Sunday, November 18, 2012


Deskripsi Produk:
PIGEON Newborn Starter Kit: Satu paket perlengkapan untuk bayi. Terdiri dari 1 buah Pacifier, 2 botol susu Wide Neck 200 ml, 1 botol susu Wide Neck 300 ml, 1 buah Bottle and Nipple Brush dan 1 buah Milk Powder Container Revolving.

Product Description:
If you want only the best for your baby, then the PIGEON Newborn Starter Kit is the ideal choice for you. Should you choose to leave a feed with your breastmilk or have to supplement feeds, our Premium Nursers with Peristaltic Nipple and Pacifier have been extensively researched to ensure that your baby is nursing from a feeding system which automatically responds to baby's natural sucking reflex action. If you cannot breastfeed, formula is always ready at hand to be added to pre-boiled warm water, as and when your baby needs to be fed.

The Newborn Starter Kit comes complete with a Powder Milk Container for your outing needs, and a cleaning brush which helps you keep your bottles and feeding accessories clean and hygienic.


Deskripsi Produk:
PIGEON Feeding Set With Training Cup System: Satu set peralatan makan untuk membuat suasana makan si kecil menjadi menyenangkan. Terdiri atas piring makan, mangkuk dan sendok dengan tambahan cangkir untuk melatih bayi menggunakan gelasnya sendiri.

Product Description:
PIGEON Feeding Set With Training Cup System comes complete with plate, bowl, and spoon that makes a meal times more enjoyable for your child and an additional Training Cup to enhance the development of your baby's drinking skill.


Deskripsi Produk:
PIGEON Multi-function Sterilizer: Alat yang memiliki 3 macam fungsi, yaitu dapat digunakan untuk mensterilkan berbagai perlengkapan makan bayi anda, serta dapat menghangatkan makanan dan botol susu bayi.

Product Description:
PIGEON Muliti-function Sterilizer: A Sterilizer , a Bottle Warmer and Food Warmer All-in-1.



Deskripsi Produk :
PIGEON Bottle Nipple & Vegetable Liquid Cleanser adalah cairan yang digunakan untuk membersihkan botol susu, dot dan perlengkapan bayi lainnya, serta dapat digunakan untuk mencuci buah dan sayuran sebelum diolah dan diberikan kepada bayi.

Dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami dan berkualitas tinggi, sehingga aman untuk bayi, kulit tangan tetap lembut, serta tidak meninggalkan bau yang tajam pada barang yang dibersihkan.
Tersedia dalam ukuran 200 ml, 450 ml, 700 ml (Pump) dan refill pack 700 ml.
Product Description:
The PIGEON Bottle Nipple & Vegetable Liquid Cleanser is the ultimate natural cleanser and is essential for baby's health. Tried and tested by mothers all over the world, it has proven to be highly effective in killing bacteria found in milk. Made from 100% food grade ingredients, it is safe and effective for cleaning baby accessories, such as bottles, nipples, pacifiers and toys, and is even suitable for  washing fruit and vegetables.

Sizes Available: 200 ml, 450 ml, 700 ml (Pump), and refill pouch 700 ml.